Monday, February 6, 2012

A Royal Celebration - Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee

Today marks the 60th anniversary of Princess Elizabeth acceding to the throne as Queen Elizabeth II.  (Her coronation wasn't until June 2, 1953.)  Only one other British Monarch has achieved this milestone, Queen Victoria in 1897, ended up reigning for over 63 years.  Few families are as well documented as those of Royal heritage.  You can learn more about the history and festivities by visiting the official website of The British Monarchy.

If your personal family research finds you going international, congratulations!  Not everyone finds a link back to "the old country", wherever that might be.  But for those that do, a whole new world of genealogical research opens up to you.  Land records and tax lists held by governments, passenger lists for trans-Atlantic ports of departure, and birth, baptismal, and death records held by churches built before the United States was established (or even colonized!) become your sources of family history.

Whether you're waiting to find that family connection to a knight in shining armour or a Lady-in-Waiting, we have resources to help you in the meantime.  Books of transcribed records, online access to published histories now in the public domain (Hint: downloadable to your e-reader!), and the library's subscription to are all waiting for you to use on your next visit.

God Save The Queen!  ;)

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