Friday, November 23, 2018

WWI / Armistice Day Centennial Commemoration - Part 4 of 4

The Blue Star Service Banner was designed and patented in 1917 by World War I Army Capt. Robert L. Queisser of the 5th Ohio Infantry. Queisser’s two sons served on the front line. His banner quickly became the unofficial symbol for parents with a child in active military service.

On Sept. 24, 1917, an Ohio congressman read the following into the Congressional Record: “The mayor of Cleveland, the Chamber of Commerce and the governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag. The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother: their children.” Blue Star Mothers and Gold Star Mothers organizations were established during World War I and remain active today.

During World War II, the Department of War issued specifications on the manufacture of the flag, as well as guidelines indicating when the service flag could be flown and by whom. The Blue Star Service Banner is an 8.5-by-14-inch white field with one or more blue stars sewn onto a red banner. The size varies but should be in proportion to the U.S. flag. Today, families display these banners when they have a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The blue star represents one family member serving, and a banner can have up to five stars. If the individual is killed or dies, a smaller golden star is placed over it. Gold stars are placed above the blue stars or to the top right of the flag, in the event a flag represents multiple servicemembers.
Blue Star Service Banners were widely used during both world wars, but were not embraced during the Korean or Vietnam wars with the same enthusiasm. The American Legion rekindled that spirit of pride in our military men and women following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks by providing banners to military families across the nation.

Monday, November 5, 2018

WWI / Armistice Day Centennial Commemoration - Part 3 of 4

For those interested in more information related to the artifacts and memorabilia on display at the library, we have another display just for you!

In the Genealogy section of the library, near the bank of computers, we have curated an insightful display ready to be checked out.  Books and videos covering events from the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and the sinking of the H.M.S. Lusitania to the entrance of America into the war under President Wilson and the eventual surrender of Germany.

Also included in the display are authors that served or in some way participated in the war effort or were otherwise actively writing during the war.

Don't forget to join in the discussion taking place on the centennial of Armistice Day in the library theatre at 2:00 PM, Sunday, November 11, 2018.  Please sign the guestbook as well!